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Torrent Widget Enhanced

  • ~1 min read

The torrent widget (which appears when you download a .torrent file or magnet link) has been improved.

Tables are now sortable. If you click on the table header, it sorts the items by the column.

From now on, the torrent widget shows a piece-by-piece progress bar for the global torrent file in the Info tab. The same kind of bars present the peer’s available pieces under the Peers tab.

The Peer tab also displays the peer flags as emojis:). If you let the mouse above, a tool tip presents more details.

The tab keeps the former connections in italic, you can filter them through the mouse’s context menu.

The Piece Map tab now shows the piece map of the torrent.

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Proxy Server

  • 1 min read

ArrowDL can use a proxy server now.

A proxy server sits between your computer and the internet. Acting as a bridge between ArrowDL or your web browser and internet services like websites and software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms, a proxy server can potentially make your internet more private and secure. Here’s how to set up ArrowDL so you can use a proxy server to your advantage.

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Introducing playlist downloads

  • ~1 min read

ArrowDL can now download playlists from Youtube and other video stream sites.

To do so, use the same Wizard as usual:

  • Click File > Download Streams…

The wizard will detect if the URL refers to a single video stream or a playlist.

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